Tagged - application rationalization

Rationalize Your Application Portfolio – Phases 1-4

Rationalize Your Application Portfolio establishes a program and record of applications used in your organization, an assessment of how well they are supporting their...

Rationalize Your Application Portfolio

Rationalize Your Application Portfolio establishes a program and record of applications used in your organization, an assessment of how well they are supporting their...
  • guided implementation icon

Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool

Use this tool to gauge your current maturity level in terms of visibility into your portfolio and use application portfolio management practices and tools.

Application TCO Calculator

Use this tool to compile the various costs of your applications and produce TCO projections for the next five years.

Modernize Your Applications for Insurance

The insurance industry is undergoing rapid change, requiring adaptability and the use of agile methodologies for success. Insurance innovation is focused on enhancing...

Modernize Your Applications for Insurance Communication Template

Craft a compelling narrative for key decision makers in charting your path to application modernization

Modernize Your Applications for Insurance – Phases 1-3

An approach to strategically modernize your applications, through the lens, constraints, and unique characteristics of state and provincial government organizations.

Modernize Your Applications for State and Provincial Government Organizations

State and provincial government organizations must be strategic in addressing the unique challenges they face, balanced against the forces of needing to modernize,...

Modernize Your Applications for State and Provincial Government Organizations – Phases 1-3

An approach to strategically modernize your applications, through the lens, constraints, and unique characteristics of state and provincial government organizations.

Application Modernization Communication Template for State and Provincial Government Organizations

Craft a compelling narrative for key decision makers in charting your path to application modernization.
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