Tagged - taxonomy

Corporate Librarian

The Corporate Librarian's role is to manage and maintain all company-owned information resources and associated content. This includes ensuring that the storing,...

Taxonomy Quality Assurance Policy

The taxonomy quality assurance policy has been established in order to preserve the accuracy of categorized folders, files, and directory structures available on network...

ECM Taxonomy Designer Tool

Use this tool to develop a content taxonomy and assign access permissions as part of your ECM strategy. The tool will assist you in defining level 1, level 2, and level 3...

DAM Design Principles Handbook

Use this Design Principles Handbook to develop your metadata schemas and standards as you create your metadata language.

ECM Strategy Stakeholder Presentation

This template will assist you in consolidating the outputs of your completed activities throughout the Develop an ECM Strategy and Roadmap blueprint in a professional...

Digital Asset Inventory Tool

Use this tool to centralize the organization’s critical digital assets and help clarify the objectives of the project for identified digital assets.

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 2: Dive Into the DAM Strategy

This phase, Dive Into the DAM Strategy, will help you to generate and prioritize strategic and practical initiatives, as well as create a roadmap for keeping the...

DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

This tool will guide you through the process of gathering requirements from your digital asset manager, as well as the system(s) used to manage your digital assets.

DAM Roadmap Tool

Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the DAM Roadmap Tool. The tool will generate a Gantt chart roadmap based on the start and length of...

Where in the World Is My Digital Asset? Tool

Use this tool to help you measure the costs associated with a lack of findability, and put a dollar value return from improving your DAM.
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