Tagged - 3D printing


Top Ten Predictions for 2016

Last Thursday evening we had a chance, for the eleventh year running, to enjoy the company of a rather amazing group of friends and colleagues, at the Annual Predictions...

FiRe 2015 in Review

It seems that FiRe has become perhaps the most dynamic "conference" in the technology world. At a time when the rest of the world continues to play the Rolodex game, we...

Pattern Recognition: AI for the Next IA

The power of IAs is not in how human we can make them seem. This, alone, properly understood, will take us far in understanding where IAs are headed in the long term.

10 Global Tech Trends Off the Mainstream Radar

I am often asked: "What are you watching now?" This is a tougher question than it may seem, when one is watching hundreds of threads, in a larger number of pattern...

Special Letter: The Maker Movement

Too often, we leaders in the technology world become obsessed with what might someday be done on the bleeding edge of our engineering abilities, rather than focusing on...
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