Tagged - Analytics

Navigating Exponential Technology Leadership and Current Events in the Canadian Public Sector – Summer 2023

Housing shortages! Reinventing the RCMP! Budget shortages! Forest fires! The headlines seem to swing from one crisis to the next and back again these days, and our...

Develop a Master Data Management Practice and Platform

Master data management (MDM) provides a single, reliable, and precise view of the organization. Approaching MDM with a clear blueprint that provides a step-by-step...
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Master Data Management Architecture Design Template

Use Info-Tech’s architecture design template to effectively document the movement of data aligned with the business process across the organization.

Master Data Management Practice Pattern Template

Leverage Info-Tech’s pre-built practice patterns to effectively define the key services and outputs that must be delivered by establishing core capabilities,...

Master Data Management Platform Template

Leverage Info-Tech’s pre-built platform to illustrate the organization’s data environment with MDM and the value MDM brings to the organization.

Build Your Data Practice and Platform Storyboard

Use Info-Tech's road-tested patterns and frameworks found in this blueprint to break the perpetual data solution cycle. Focus on the value that a data and analytics...

Data Practice and Platform Models

Data practice & platform pre-build pattern templates based on Info-Tech data reference patterns and data platform design best practices.

Build Your Data Practice and Platform

Info-tech's approach provides a proven methodology that includes following: - Business-aligned data initiatives and capabilities that address data challenges and...
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Webinar: Uncover the Key to Developing an Effective Data Strategy

As many organizations start to realize that data is their most powerful asset, they dive into analytics to get value from that data. Without guidance from a data strategy...

Build a Reporting and Analytics Strategy – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand key business drivers for refreshing your BI program.
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