Tagged - autonomous edge

Tech Trend Update: If Biosecurity Then Autonomous Edge

In our 2020 Tech Trend Report, we discussed the concept of building out the autonomous edge as a competitive differentiator. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent...

Tech Trend Update: If Biosecurity Then Autonomous Edge Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for improved biosecurity. Organizations are implementing technology solutions that demonstrate how AI can be applied at...

2020 CIO Priorities Report

If we are to realize the business value through the adoption of emerging technologies, CIOs must address significant challenges. We believe addressing these challenges...

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to understand the top five priorities for CIOs in 2020 and why these are so critical to success.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – The Five Priorities

Use Info-Tech's 2020 CIO Priorities Report to ascertain, based on our research, what areas of focus for 2020 are critical for success in adopting emerging technologies.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 1: Refine and Adapt Processes

Learn about how processes can make or break your adoption of emerging technologies.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 2: Re-Invent IT as Collaboration Engine

Learn about how IT can transform its role within the organization to optimize business value.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 3: Acquire and Retain Talent for Roles in Emerging Technologies

Learn about how IT can attract and keep employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adopt these technologies for the business.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 4: Define and Manage Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Requirements Related to Emerging Technologies

Understand how the adoption of emerging technologies has created new levels of risk and how cybersecurity and resilience can keep pace.

2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 5: Leverage Emerging Technology to Create Wow! Customer Experiences

Learn how IT can leverage emerging technology for its own customers and those of its business partners.
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