Tagged - awareness

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Security Awareness and Training Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Develop and Deploy Security Policies – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you define your security policy program, develop and implement a new policy suite, and communicate and measure the program for coverage and...

Security Awareness Month Materials

October is Security Awareness Month and we’ve built four decks for you to share. Use these decks to remind your end users of security best practices.

Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many businesses to start operating remotely, security is often the first to suffer. Start a training program for employees on how to...

Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response Storyboard

Augment your security and training program with considerations for remote users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users

Cyberattackers target your end users, who remain today’s weakest link in organizational security. Design and deliver an effective and up-to-date training program to...
  • guided implementation icon

Data Classification Awareness Material

This template can be customized and used as either a pamphlet or a poster to educate your organization on the importance of data classification.

Security Training Email Templates

Here are nine email templates that can be used to educate end users on best practices. These pre-populated training materials can be customized to include any...

Seasonal Employees Need Full-Time Security Training

Hotels, casinos, and restaurants are a hot bed of credit card, personal, and other sensitive data that criminals find very attractive. Due to the seasonal nature of the...

Retail Has Big Phish to Fry

The rise of e-commerce coupled with society’s newfound dependency on technology has placed a lucrative target on the backs of retailers. Complacency is not an option when...
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