Tagged - Blockchain

Adopt Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency Storyboard

This blueprint outlines the opportunity for impact that blockchain has for supply chain transparency, how manufacturers are investing, and what you should do about it.

Adopt Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency

This blueprint outlines the opportunity for impact that blockchain has for supply chain transparency, how manufacturers are investing, and what you should do about it.

Monday.com Is Missing a Crucial Link in Its Blockchain Prediction

It’s not often that revolutionary solutions come up in the world of project management, so monday.com’s Peter Giffen grabbed my attention with his recent blog on...

Hospitality Trend Report 2020 – Blockchain 2.0

Read this section of the report to learn about Blockchain 2.0 and the impact that this technology is having on the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Trend Report 2020 – Executive Brief

Read this concise Executive Brief to understand how the hospitality IT landscape is changing and how the emerging technologies are able not just to support your business...

2020 Hospitality Trend Report – Seven Trends

This trend report highlights the technologies that are currently trending amongst the hospitality industry, providing IT leaders with insights on seven emerging technologies.

2020 Hospitality Trend Report

In the changing hospitality landscape, this Trends Report provides insight and recommendations on various emerging technologies that can help drive business value, reduce...

IOTA – Opening the World of Opportunities for IoT

Imagine a distributed ledger technology with no miners or no transaction fees, high performance, and designed with IoT in mind. IOTA is similar to blockchain in terms of...

Amazon's Quantum Ledger Database Threatens Blockchain Vendors

Amazon has unveiled its Quantum Ledger Database service. This service threatens vendors who build bespoke blockchain solutions without peer-to-peer functionality.

Stellar Protocol 11 Improvements: Part 3

The article addresses and explains the benefits outlined by Protocol 11 network upgrade.
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