Tagged - business architecture

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template as a starting point to develop your own custom capability map.

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide

Use this guide to learn how to develop a custom business capability map and reference architecture for your technology service provider firm.

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture

This business reference architecture provides a capability-driven analysis and template that can be used to guide the decision-making process while implementing...

Not-for-Profit Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template to document your final strategy outputs including organization-defining core and support business capabilities, value streams, and strategy maps...

Not-for-Profit Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide

Leverage a validated view of the nonprofit organization’s business capabilities to realize measurable top-line mission outcomes and unlock direct value.

Not-for-Profit Industry Business Reference Architecture

This industry business reference architecture comprises tools, templates, and a validated view of utility business capabilities that help CIOs and utility leadership...
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Professional Associations Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide

Leverage a validated view of the professional association organization’s business capabilities to realize measurable top-line mission outcomes and unlock direct value.

Professional Associations Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template to document your final strategy outputs, including organization-defining core and support business capabilities, value streams, and strategy maps...

Professional Associations Industry Business Reference Architecture

This industry business reference architecture comprises tools, templates, and a validated view of business capabilities that help CIOs and leadership accelerate the...
  • guided implementation icon

Higher Education Industry Reference Architecture Template

Use this template in conjunction with the Higher Education Industry Reference Architecture Guide.
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