Use this template to manage communication messaging and timing throughout the employee layoff process.
Use this tool to determine which employees should be selected for layoff and in which order of priority.
Use this template to craft the employee layoff policy.
When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization’s control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. If layoffs are the...
When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in...
Create an effective, right-sized DRP: discover current capabilities, define business requirements, and close gaps to deliver service continuity.
Use this tool to determine which employees should be selected for layoff and in which order of priority.
Build an effective crisis management plan around a framework that enables your organization to respond to any crisis and manage the impact; from health and safety...
Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.
Build your own crisis management workflows using Info-Tech's examples.