Tagged - Business intelligence

Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

An executive communication slide deck to demonstrate the value of enterprise business analysis in your organization.

Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis Storyboard

Enabling business analysis to step outside of operations and tactics, making the case for that same value at the enterprise, strategic level.

Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

If you’ve only been using business analysis at the project level, you’ve only scratched the surface of the BA’s potential. Enterprise business analysis is a powerful...

Build a Reporting and Analytics Strategy

BI drives a new reality. Uber is the world’s largest taxi company and they own no vehicles; Alibaba is the world’s most valuable retailer and they have no inventory;...
  • guided implementation icon

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Executive Brief

Read the Executive Brief to find out why you should strategically apply people analytics to your IT talent management.

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions Storyboard

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Phase 1: Define the Problem and Apply the Checklist

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

People Analytics Strategy Template

Use this template to capture the information compiled by following the steps in the people analytics checklist.
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