Tagged - business model

The Future of the Technology Service Provider Industry Storyboard

Learn about four trends that are shaping future business opportunities in the technology service provider industry.

The Future of the Technology Service Provider Industry

This trend report highlights future business opportunities for members of the technology service provider industry. Learn how to capitalize on the latest in generative...

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phase 3: Select Your First AI PoC

This phase of the blueprint, Get Started With AI, will help you brainstorm ideas for your AI initiative, select your first AI PoC, project and create an MVBC for it.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phase 2: Learn From Your Peers and Give Your AI a Purpose

This phase of the blueprint, Get Started With AI, will help you learn what others in your industry are doing and define what to do in your organization to create the most...

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phase 1: Explore the Possibilities

This phase of the blueprint, Get Started With AI, will help you understand what AI really means in practice.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to get up to speed with the rapid changes in AI technologies taking over the world today.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence

Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and to get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.
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Embrace a Sportsbook to Drive Fan Experience and Engagement

Successfully embrace a sportsbook initiative to drive revenue, customer experience, and fan engagement by analyzing the specific environment and characteristics of...
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Embrace a Sportsbook to Drive Fan Experience and Engagement – Phases 1-2

Use this blueprint to evaluate your sports betting environment, identify your sportsbook business model, and analyze various sportsbook vendor platforms.
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