Tagged - business plan

Tech Trends Insights Every Canadian Public Sector IT Leader Needs to Succeed in 2023

Info-Tech’s Tech Trends 2023 report has a wealth of information for IT decision makers and CIOs across industries. Before you review the whole report, here are highlights...

An Economic Downturn Looms. How Should Government I&IT Leaders Respond?

The transition from summer to fall brings cooler weather and Halloween candy, and for many government IT leaders, it restarts the budget and business planning cycle for...

Become a Strategic CIO – Phase 1: Launch

Before getting started on your personal development as CIO, ensure you are ready to become a strategic partner.

Make IT a Partner in Successful M&A Due Diligence

Even though IT-related activities can be the larget cost item in an M&A, many organizations continue to underestimate the role IT plays in successfully executing a merger...
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