Tagged - business transformation

Office of the CIO Template

This template is to support the planning of an organization structure for the office of the CIO.

Elevate the Role of the CIO in Higher Education

A transformational CIO is an institutional leader who actively approaches institutional peers with opportunities for transformation, and who seeks to co-lead strategic...
  • guided implementation icon

Elevate the Role of the CIO in Higher Education – Phases 1-6

A transformational CIO in higher education actively approaches institutional peers with opportunities for transformation and seeks to co-lead business change. To step...

Partnership Strategy Template for Higher Education

This document gives an overview of the higher education ecosystem and an approach to win alliances.

Transformational Capability Assessment for Higher Education

This tool is meant to be used to assess a Higher Education CIO’s capability to transform.

What Is Not Included in RISE With SAP … The Rest of the Story

Discover the pitfalls of SAP’s RISE with SAP program and how to perform due diligence and avoid them in your SAP S/4HANA migration.

What Is RISE With SAP … and Why Should You Care?

Discover the core components of SAP’s newest commercial offering, RISE with SAP. Build a firm grasp on the program details, pros/cons of the program, and key decision...

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to get up to speed with the rapid changes in AI technologies taking over the world today.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.

Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phase 1: Explore the Possibilities

This phase of the blueprint, Get Started With AI, will help you understand what AI really means in practice.
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