Tagged - Center of Excellence

Security Governance Model Templates

The purpose of this tool is to help you visualize your organization’s information security governance structure.

Establish Effective Security Governance & Management

Many organizations misunderstand security governance and management as simply a matter of policies and processes. However, policies and processes – while important – do...
  • guided implementation icon

Security Governance Model Tool

This tool will help you determine governance and management accountabilities and responsibilities and use them to build a visual governance and management model.

Drive Ongoing Adoption With an M365 Center of Excellence Storyboard

Accelerate business processes change and get more value from your subscription by building and sharing, thanks to an effective Centre of Excellence.

Drive Ongoing Adoption With an M365 Center of Excellence

User adoption and setting up guardrails in governance are the focuses of the CoE in its early stages. Purge obsolete data from legacy share servers, and rationalize...

ACE Satisfaction Survey

This satisfaction survey will help you baseline your Agile Center of Excellence and conduct periodic retrospectives of the effectiveness of its service offerings.

ACE Communications Deck

This template will give you step-by-step inputs from storyboard exercises to communicate the outcomes of your Agile Center of Excellence to your key stakeholders.

CoE Maturity Diagnostic Tool

This tool will help you determine the maturity level of your Center of Excellence.

Victor Scheinman's Experiment for Design

A case study to illuminate a world-famous designer's approach to solve a problem.

Adopt Design Thinking in Your Organization – Phases 1-3

Design thinking is not a new concept. Many organizations have tried it; some have dismissed it as a “management fad" or "simple techniques." This research will assist...
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