Tagged - Chatbot

Modern CIS Solutions Powered by AI

The recent surge in AI capabilities, driven by the market breakthrough of Gen AI solutions, has generated great excitement among both utilities and CIS vendors. This...

AI-Powered CIS Benefits and Risks Evaluation Workbook

Use this tool to document your objectives and expectations of your AI-powered CIS initiatives to determine the factors that should be used in determining the selection of...

Modern CIS Solutions Powered by AI Storyboard

This deck provides a practical guide and is a tool to empower utility leaders to make well-informed decisions regarding the adoption of AI-powered CIS solutions.

AI Transformation Brief – February 2024

Featuring AI best practices and insights to enable our members to strategize, plan, develop, deploy, manage, and govern AI-based technologies and solutions.

Drive Business Value With Off-the-Shelf AI

This blueprint provides a framework that will guide organizations through the selection of an off-the-shelf AI product. To guarantee success of the off-the-shelf AI...

Accelerate Your Automation Processes – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to find out why your organization should accelerate your automation processes, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways Info-Tech...

Automation Suite Maturity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to roadmap your automation path and lay out your action items to stay on track for the implementation of automation projects.

Automation Suite Roadmap Tool

Use this tool to gauge your organization's maturity in current automation modules and offerings, as well as pre-requisites to automation such as data and knowledgebase...

Accelerate your Automation Processes – Phases 1-2

Navigating your way through various automation tools can be a difficult challenge. Choosing the right project according to business needs is essential for IT to provide...

Chatbot POC Communication Plan

Use this tool to communicate and market the launch of the chatbot to your organization and stakeholders.
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