Acquiring a service is like buying an experience. Don’t confuse the simplicity of buying hardware with buying an experience.
Contains: 6 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Get ready for the cloudy future with a consistent, proven strategy.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 1 Word Document
Define your cloud vision before it defines you.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 Excel Tool
Embrace the spectrum of Ops methodologies to build a virtuous cycle.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint
Optimize your backup initiative and mitigate the challenges of the cloud.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 1 Excel Tool
Secure the cloud by considering its unique challenges.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 1 Excel Tool
Change the way you work to get full value from the cloud.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 5 Excel Tools, 2 Visio Diagrams, 2 PDF Documents
Security in the cloud requires solutions, not speculation.
Contains: 7 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 1 Excel Tool, 1 PDF Document
You bought it. Use it right.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
It’s “day two” in the cloud. Now what?
Contains: 3 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 2 Excel Tools
Know when you’ve been beaten!
Kill the technical debt of your legacy Active Directory environment.
Don’t revolve around a legacy design; choose a network design that evolves with the organization.
FinOps is more than just identifying cloud savings; it’s empowering every cloud user to maximize the value of their spend.
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