Tagged - compliance obligations

Establish Effective Security Governance & Management

Many organizations misunderstand security governance and management as simply a matter of policies and processes. However, policies and processes – while important – do...
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Security Governance Model Tool

This tool will help you determine governance and management accountabilities and responsibilities and use them to build a visual governance and management model.

Security Governance Model Templates

The purpose of this tool is to help you visualize your organization’s information security governance structure.

Security Compliance Management Tool

Use this tool to track your security compliance management framework and program.

Build a Security Compliance Program

Mastering a cost-effective approach to cybersecurity and data protection compliance can provide organizations with a clear strategic advantage. Take control of your...
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Webinar: Build a Cost-Effective Security Compliance Program

Security teams need to implement proactive measures to reduce costs associated with compliance activities. During this session we will go through a tactical and strategic...

Build a Security Compliance Program – Executive Brief

Read this executive brief to understand how an information security compliance management program can be cost effective.

Build a Security Compliance Program – Phases 1-5

Read this blueprint to help build a cost-effective information security compliance management program.

Security Compliance Process Template

Use this template to help document your information security compliance management program.
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