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PPM Audit Timeline Template

Based on the results of the audit, this tool should be used as a project plan for next steps.

Audit the Project Portfolio

The Project Portfolio Audit based on Info-Tech’s Audit Standard examines the accountability of project sponsors and approvers for costs and benefits. The foundation...
  • guided implementation icon

Audit the Project Portfolio – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the Info-Tech Audit Standard.

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phases 1-3

Organizations should take a good look at their project portfolio practices and ask themselves if they are working in the best interest of the shareholder(s).

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 1: Assess Readiness

This phase of the blueprint, Audit the Project Portfolio, will help you determine whether you need to take a closer look into your project portfolio practices.

Info-Tech Audit Standard for Project Portfolio Management

Read and understand the Audit Standard before completing the activities in phase 1 of this blueprint.

Audit Glossary of Terms

Read and understand the glossary of terms before completing the activities in phase 1 of this blueprint.

Project Portfolio Audit Tool

This tool should be used to conduct the audit of your chosen projects and portfolios.

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 3: Establish a Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Audit the Project Portfolio, will help you create an action plan to move forward with the information you learned from this audit.

Audit Standard Triage Tool

This tool should be used as a current state analysis of your project portfolio practices. Use the results to determine if further assessment is needed.
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