This monthly report covers topics such as cyberthreat and regulatory trends, nation states, cybercriminals, hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control strategies, and...
This monthly report covers topics such as cyberthreat and regulatory trends, nation states, cybercriminals, hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control strategies, and...
Leverage the digital loyalty strategy research to enhance the business model, streamline and transform processes, and make use of technologies to optimize guest...
How the retail store is transforming to meet customer needs
This deck provides a high-level analysis, awareness, and readiness on how “the retail store of the future” capitalizes on IoT and infrastructure technology to enable...
Understand how a digital loyalty program strategy can support the business and help it stay competitive through the digital economy.
Determine which retail digital transformation technology initiative your enterprise should prioritize and align its benefits to your enterprise goals.
Learn about the Online-to-Offline (O2O) Hyper-Personalization trend and the drivers enabling retail digital transformation.
Learn about the New Operative Models trend and the drivers enabling retail digital transformation.
Learn about Warehouse Automation trend and the drivers enabling retail digital transformation.