Acquiring a service is like buying an experience. Don’t confuse the simplicity of buying hardware with buying an experience.
Contains: 6 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
There are very few IT infrastructure components you should be housing internally – outsource everything else.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 5 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Renovation projects are more complex than first thought.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 5 Word Documents, 6 Excel Tools
Moving the data center is best described as a controlled disaster where minute-by-minute planning is critical to success.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 3 Word Documents, 6 Excel Tools, 1 Video
Planning to take over the world? Successful integration of global infrastructure starts with people, process, and discovery.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 2 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Building a data center is a complex and expensive challenge requiring specific design and engineering skills.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 9 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Change the way you work to get full value from the cloud.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 5 Excel Tools, 2 Visio Diagrams, 2 PDF Documents
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