Tagged - data governance

Data Management Communication/Business Case Template

Use this template to support you in creating strong messaging for your data management project.

Data Management Strategy Work Breakdown Structure Template

Use this work breakdown structure template to guide you in staying on track and maintaining strong project management throughout your data management project.

Data Management Assessment Printout

Use this printout to guide you in taking a collaborative approach to evaluating the performance of your data management practice.

Data Change Communication Plan Template

The Data Change Communication Plan will help ensure stakeholders are aware of the data changes happening, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. The...

Data Source Inventory Tool

The Data Source Inventory Tool will help you document relevant information pertaining to each data source to act as a point of reference document.

Data Audit Stakeholder Interview Guide

Data owners, data stewards, and end users are the ones who use the data on a day-to-day basis and will be able to provide the best information regarding ongoing data...

Storyboard: Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...

Data Scientist

The Data Scientist's role is to harness vast amounts of data to optimize business results. He/she will exercise their knowledge of descriptive and multivariate...

Data Steward

Data stewards are designated employees with a mandate and accountability for improving the data quality and integrity in their particular business area or data silo. They...

Information Curator

The role of an Information Curator is to ensure that all content is available for informational use within an organization allowing for information flow to maximize...
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