Tagged - Data Principles

Data Strategy Document Template

Use this template to document and formulate your data strategy. Follow along with the sections of the blueprint "Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy" and...

Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

Put a strategy in place to ensure data is available, accessible, well integrated, secured, of acceptable quality, and suitably visualized to fuel organization-wide...
  • guided implementation icon

Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to build a comprehensive strategy for effectively unlocking the value of your organization’s data assets. Formulate a data strategy that aligns with...

Data Strategy Stakeholder Interview Guide and Findings

​Use this template to support you in understanding the current data consumption practices of the organization and uncovering stakeholder goals and vision around the...

Data Strategy Use Case Template

Use this template to conduct high-value business-needs gathering sessions to highlight and create relevant use cases around data-related challenges or opportunities that...
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