Tagged - data quality

Leverage Big Data by Starting Small

The desire for rapid decision making is increasing and the complexity of data sources is growing; business users want access to several new data sources, but in a way...
  • guided implementation icon

Data Management Strategy Work Breakdown Structure Template

Use this work breakdown structure template to guide you in staying on track and maintaining strong project management throughout your data management project.

Data Management Project Charter Template

Use your Data Management Project Charter to plan your project, engage participants, and control the timeline and delivery of your final project deliverables.

Data Strategy Planning Interview Guide

Use this interview guide to structure discussions with key business stakeholders.

Data Management Roadmap Template

Use this template to support you in organizing your project roadmap and findings into a presentable format for your project stakeholders.

Data Management Assessment and Planning Tool

Use this assessment tool to analyze your organization's data strategies and identify the current and target capabilities for your data management practice.

Data Management Communication/Business Case Template

Use this template to support you in creating strong messaging for your data management project.

Data Management Assessment Printout

Use this printout to guide you in taking a collaborative approach to evaluating the performance of your data management practice.

Data Entry and Provenance Policy

The data entry and provenance policy will outline the responsibilities for maintaining the integrity and quality of data and provenance data used to inform corporate...

Data Access Policy

The data access policy will outline the responsibilities for the protection of institutional data and prevent unauthorized, wrongful, or malicious use.
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