Tagged - Data Service

Build Your Data Practice and Platform

Info-tech's approach provides a proven methodology that includes following: - Business-aligned data initiatives and capabilities that address data challenges and...
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Build Your Data Practice and Platform Storyboard

Use Info-Tech's road-tested patterns and frameworks found in this blueprint to break the perpetual data solution cycle. Focus on the value that a data and analytics...

Data Practice and Platform Models

Data practice & platform pre-build pattern templates based on Info-Tech data reference patterns and data platform design best practices.

Design Data-as-a-Service

The current model of point-to-point data exchange internally and externally is simply not secure, fast, flexible, or consistent. This prevents individuals and...
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Design Data-as-a-Service – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support...

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phases 1-3

Data marketplaces facilities data sharing between the data producer and the data consumer. The data product must be carefully designed to truly benefit in today’s...

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 1: Understand Data Ecosystem

This phase will provide clear benefits of adopting the DaaS framework and solid rationale for moving towards a more connected data ecosystem and avoiding data silos.

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 2: Design Data Product

This phase will leverage design thinking methodology and templates to document your most important data products.

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 3: Establish a DaaS Framework

This phase will provide a step-by-step guide to capture internal and external data sources critical to data products success for the organization and document end to end...
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