Develop a Fit-for-Purpose IT Financial Taxonomy Storyboard

Author(s): Jennifer Perrier

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IT’s financial struggles are often rooted in problems with the financial data itself. This guide to take the first critical steps in rehabilitating and leveraging your IT financial data, including:

  • Knowing what IT financial data is, its points of origin, and where it lives organization.
  • Developing a meaningful taxonomy to classify and organize your IT financial data using Info-Tech’s IT Cost Model as a base.
  • Systematically implementing your taxonomy in collaboration with your Finance department as part of your overall IT financial management program.

Create a taxonomy to classify and organize your IT financial data so that you have the transparency needed for meaningful conversations.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Develop a Fit-for-Purpose IT Financial Taxonomy

Take the first step in getting your IT financial data house in order.

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