Tagged - distributed ledger

How Allianz took a blockchain platform from pilot to 1 million transactions

Allianz Chief Architect Bob Crozier shares how his team went from an exploratory interest in Ethereum smart contracts to "burning the ships" and retiring their old...

Close Encounters of the Blockchain Kind: How You’re Likely to Encounter Your First Blockchain in the Enterprise

Blockchain technology is everywhere and nowhere. It’s all over the media, but its actual use is quite limited. There are four key ways you can expect to encounter...

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in (supply) chains”: The logistics blockchain

Retailers and international shippers are already using blockchain technology to track their supply chains. In using a decentralized network to verify digital...

BloodChain and the Future of Healthcare in the Developing World

This note is part of a series on practical blockchain solutions for IT, with a particular focus on healthcare in the developing world. One product, “Bloodchain,” is...

Blockchain, the Known Traveler Digital Identity Project, and the Future of International Travel

Governments around the world are looking to employ blockchain-based solutions to a persistent problem: international travel. One idea, pitched at the World Economic Forum...

Airline Magazine Syndrome, Blockchain, and You

News of blockchain’s potential has filtered down to CEOs and other executives everywhere, and they naturally have questions about it. As an IT professional, it’s your job...

Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain – Phase 2: Build and Evaluate an Inventory of Use Cases

Brainstorm a set of blockchain use cases for your organization and apply design thinking tactics to evaluate and select the optimal one to pitch to your executives for...

Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain – Phases 1-2

The transportation and logistics industry is poised for disruption, facing a set of inherent flaws that blockchain could help alleviate. But before CIOs rush to adopt...

Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain – Phase 1: Evaluate Why Blockchain Can Disrupt the Transportation and Logistics Industry

Analyze the four key benefits of blockchain as they relate to the transportation and logistics industry to understand how the technology can resolve issues being...

Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain – Executive Brief

Whether or not blockchain is the right technology for your organization, IT leaders are feeling pressure to adopt this technology. To understand its transformative...
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