Tagged - drones

Technology and the Global Economy: Predictions for 2015 Landscapes

I really love doing this stuff, as you all know. I try to do it in two different ways. I try to talk about the landscapes we're looking at first, kind of give a shared...

Currency Wars II: The Isolated Dollar

This week, we'll look at the causes behind the strong dollar, and, by establishing a clear understanding of this important financial trend, we'll extend our abilities to...

10 Global Tech Trends Off the Mainstream Radar

I am often asked: "What are you watching now?" This is a tougher question than it may seem, when one is watching hundreds of threads, in a larger number of pattern...

Apply Brakes to the Self-Driving Vehicle Hype

Driverless vehicles are coming. But a number of technological and legal challenges will need to be overcome before autonomous trucks and buses are a reality. Take the...

Will AI Create the Coronavirus Vaccine?

As the COVID-19 pandemic is shutting down whole countries, a few of you may be wondering whether AI can help create a vaccine for the virus responsible. After all, AI is...

The Future of Utilities Trends Report

This trends report will provide insights on the opportunities and challenges ahead leading to the utilities of the future. Built upon the enablement of foundational IT...

The Future of Utilities Trends Report – The Four Trends

This strategic foresight trends report highlights four transformational utilities industry trends to guide business and IT leaders through the energy transition period to...

Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology

As a CIO, there is a need to move beyond day-to-day technology management with an ever-increasing need to forecast technology impacts. Not just from a technical...
  • guided implementation icon

Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create a diverse disruptive technology working group, a shortlist of disruptive technologies, and a proof of concept plan for each...

Disruptive Technology Look to the Past Tool

The Disruptive Technology Look to the Past Tool will assist you to collect reasonability test notes when evaluating potential disruptive technologies.
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