Tagged - gap analysis

Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture – Phase 2: Business-Critical Workload Analysis

This phase of the blueprint Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture will help you to understand both the risks and controls for your businesses...

Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture – Phase 4: Cloud Security Strategy Planning

This part of the blueprint Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture explores additional considerations when moving to the cloud – in particular, the...

Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture – Phase 3: Cloud Security Architecture Mapping

This part of the blueprint Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture will serve as a repository of information about your approach to securing the cloud...

Cloud Security Architecture Reference Model

Plot your findings from the Workbook and Archive Document to see the current state of your cloud security architecture, the risks, and where you still need to go.

Cloud Security Architecture Archive Document

This template, part of the Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture blueprint, will serve as a repository of information about your approach to...

Empower Members Through Digital Engagement – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to gain insight into what a digital strategy is and why your nation should create one.

Empower Members Through Digital Engagement – Phases 1-2

Use this blueprint to gain insight into what a digital strategy for tribal nations can look like and prepare to create your own.

Empower Members Through Digital Engagement – Phase 2: Engage Stakeholders and Address Gaps

Prepare to obtain feedback from your internal stakeholders and community members and analyze the gaps that your nation might have in successfully creating a digital...

Empower Members Through Digital Engagement – Phase 1: Understand the Landscape

Identify your tribal nation's digital divide to ensure sufficient connectivity for your digital strategy initiatives. Additionally, identify the context in which the...

NATRC Digital Strategy Gap Analysis Tool

Use this tool to understand whether your tribal nation is prepared to move forward with digital strategy creation and be successful.
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