Learn about four trends that are shaping future business opportunities in the technology service provider industry.
This trend report highlights future business opportunities for members of the technology service provider industry. Learn how to capitalize on the latest in generative...
Use this guide to learn how to develop a custom business capability map and reference architecture for your technology service provider firm.
This business reference architecture provides a capability-driven analysis and template that can be used to guide the decision-making process while implementing...
Use this template as a starting point to develop your own custom capability map.
A step-by-step document that walks you through how to properly address information architecture.
This guide summarizes best practice information management and information architecture organizations and frameworks.
The structural state of org-wide solutions lacks consistency, standardization, and fortitude. Knowledge is either duplicated or lost as a result. The problems are too...
This blueprint will help you design a data management practice that will allow your organization to use data as a strategic enabler.
Tool to gather technical, business, regulatory, and records management requirements for e-signature service.