This storyboard will help you create a diverse disruptive technology working group, a shortlist of disruptive technologies, and a proof of concept plan for each...
The Disruptive Technology Look to the Past Tool will assist you to collect reasonability test notes when evaluating potential disruptive technologies.
The Disruptive Technology Executive Presentation Template will assist you to present an overview of the disruptive technology process, outlining the value to your company.
As a CIO, there is a need to move beyond day-to-day technology management with an ever-increasing need to forecast technology impacts. Not just from a technical...
Canadian labor shortages are widespread, affecting almost every sector. As a result, government employers need to get out there quickly to ensure that public service is...
This trends report will provide insights on the opportunities and challenges ahead leading to the utilities of the future. Built upon the enablement of foundational IT...
This strategic foresight trends report highlights four transformational utilities industry trends to guide business and IT leaders through the energy transition period to...
The storyboard will help to create a steering committee and a playbook to quickly assess IoT ideas to determine the best way to support these ideas, test them in proofs...
The large volume of IoT devices and lack of insight into vendor solutions make it hard for IT and the business to manage the lifecycle and guarantee security protocols...
Create a framework to quickly evaluate IoT solutions to mitigate risks and increase success.