Tagged - integration strategy

M&A Buy Playbook

The M&A Buy Playbook is a reusable document that enables your IT organization to successfully deliver on any acquisition transaction.

Case Study: M&A Execution & Value Realization – Buy

Read a one-page case study for the Execution & Value Realization phase of an M&A transaction.

One-Pager: M&A Execution & Value Realization – Buy

See a one-page overview of the Execution & Value Realization phase of an M&A transaction for the acquiring organization.

M&A Integration Project Management Tool (Excel)

Manage the integration process of an acquisition. Use this Excel tool if you can’t or don’t want to use the SharePoint tool.

M&A Integration Project Management Tool (SharePoint)

Manage the integration process of an acquisition using this SharePoint template.

Case Study: M&A Due Diligence & Preparation – Buy

Read a one-page case study for the Due Diligence & Preparation phase of an M&A transaction.

One-Pager: M&A Due Diligence & Preparation – Buy

See a one-page overview of the Due Diligence & Preparation phase of an M&A transaction for the acquiring organization.

Case Study: M&A Discovery & Strategy – Buy

Read a one-page case study for the Discovery & Strategy phase of an M&A transaction.

One-Pager: M&A Discovery & Strategy – Buy

See a one-page overview of the Discovery & Strategy phase of an M&A transaction for the acquiring organization.

One-Pager: M&A Proactive

See a one-page overview of the Proactive phase of an M&A transaction.
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