Tagged - IT Strategy

Strategy-on-a-Page Template for Wholesale

Use this template to document your final strategy outputs including executive-facing business alignment and strategy highlights, key initiatives and summaries, strategic...

Strategy-on-a-Page Template for Retail

Use this template to document your final strategy outputs including executive-facing business alignment and strategy highlights, key initiatives and summaries, strategic...

Communicate Your CIO Business Vision Diagnostic Results

After completing the CIO Business Vision Diagnostic it is important to share the results and highlight next steps with business leaders. Use this template to support...

Communicate Your CEO-CIO Alignment Results

This template should be used after completing the CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic to communicate the results with the CEO or other appropriate business leader.

Digital Business Strategy Final Report Template

Use this template to capture the synthesized content from outputs of the activities across the four phases of the Define Your Digital Business Strategy blueprint to...

The Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template in conjunction with the Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture.

Strategy-on-a-Page Template

This template uses sample data from "Acme Corp" to demonstrate an ideal IT strategy-on-a-page. Use this template to document your final strategy outputs including...

Corporate Strategy Documentation Template

This template is used to document corporate objectives, initiatives, and capability changes.

Corporate Capability Map

This template is used to map current corporate capabilities and changes to capabilities that occur due to corporate initiatives.
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