Launch Your AI Proof of Value

Determine how to implement an AI proof-of-value initiative and select the right vendor to partner with.

Book This Workshop

Not being able to launch your AI proof of value will:

  • Create ambiguity around relevant use cases for your AI strategy.
  • Prevent you from validating your AI strategy through specific use cases.
  • Deny yourself the ability to build buy-in for your AI strategy.

Launching your AI proof of value will:

  • Provide a mechanism for aligning stakeholders around your AI strategy.
  • Enable your team to validate the right use cases to focus on at the start before a broad rollout.
  • Provide your team with the opportunity to find the correct vendor to support your AI initiatives.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Explore the Relevant AI Market

The Purpose

Validate the AI use case and explore relevant vendors.

Key Benefits Achieved

Identify relevant AI capabilities and create a list of relevant vendors and products.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Validate use case.
  • AI pilot use case scope
1.2 Validate success criteria.
  • Validated success criteria
1.3 Identify AI marketplace capabilities and trends.
  • Alignment on vendor category and longlist of vendors for consideration
1.4 Evaluate existing technology stack.
  • Initial system design for AI use case

Module 2: Gather Requirements

The Purpose

Gather accurate requirements based on your vendor assessment and vendor category review.

Key Benefits Achieved

Identify and prioritize essential features.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify and prioritize requirements.
  • List of prioritized requirements that satisfies the given use case
2.2 Compare vendor features and capabilities.
  • Validation of use case coverage across different vendors
2.3 Draft a vendor shortlist.
  • A vendor shortlist based on capabilities and use case coverage

Module 3: Evaluate Vendors

The Purpose

Perform vendor interviews to select the right partner for your proof of value initiative.

Key Benefits Achieved

You have selected a vendor that meets your requirements.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Create a vendor selection model.
  • A vendor selection model to be used to evaluate vendor shortlist
3.2 Build interview scripts.
  • Interview script to ensure reliability and consistency during the interview process
3.3 Post-workshop: Conduct vendor interviews.
  • (Post-workshop) Completed vendor interviews
3.4 Validate technical issues.
  • Known list of technical considerations

Module 4: Prepare Implementation

The Purpose

Validate implementation activities against internal capabilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

A validated implementation plan that can be executed by your team.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Determine the internal capabilities needed to execute your proof of value.
  • List of internal capabilities required to execute the proof-of-value pilot
4.2 Review implementation activities.
  • A validated list of implementation activities to leverage during the pilot
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