Tagged - leadership

IT Talent Trends 2024 Report

Incorporate new ways of working into your business to build and keep the best team.

IT Talent Trends 2024

The information technology industry is at a crossroads: a coming together of machine advancement and human effort when a significant portion of day-to-day work can be...

Transformational Capability Assessment for Higher Education

This tool is meant to be used to assess a Higher Education CIO’s capability to transform.

Partnership Strategy Template for Higher Education

This document gives an overview of the higher education ecosystem and an approach to win alliances.

Elevate the Role of the CIO in Higher Education – Phases 1-6

A transformational CIO in higher education actively approaches institutional peers with opportunities for transformation and seeks to co-lead business change. To step...

Elevate the Role of the CIO in Higher Education

A transformational CIO is an institutional leader who actively approaches institutional peers with opportunities for transformation, and who seeks to co-lead strategic...
  • guided implementation icon

Office of the CIO Template

This template is to support the planning of an organization structure for the office of the CIO.

Improve IT Team Effectiveness Facilitation Guide

A guide with instructions on how to facilitate different activities to determine how the team can increase their effectiveness.

Improve IT Team Effectiveness Storyboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help team leaders and coaches to assess team effectiveness and improve performance.

Personal Relationship Management Journal Template

Use this template as an example to help you create your confidential personal relationship journal.
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