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Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

The process of navigating from waterfall to Agile can be incredibly challenging. Even more problematic; how do you operate your requirements management practices once there? There traditionally isn’t a role for a business analyst, the traditional keeper of requirements. It isn’t like switching on a light.

You likely find yourself struggling to deliver high quality solutions and requirements in Agile. This is a challenge for many organizations, regardless of how long they’ve leveraged Agile.

But you aren’t here for assurances. You’re here for answers and help.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

The temptation when moving to Agile is to deemphasize good requirements practices in favor of perceived speed. If you’re not delivering on the needs of the business then you have failed, regardless of how quickly you’ve gone.

Impact and Result

Info-Tech’s advice? Why choose? Why have to pick between traditional waterfall and Agile delivery? If Agile without analysis is a recipe for disaster, Agile with analysis is the solution. How can you leverage the Info-Tech approach to align your Agile and requirements management efforts into a powerful combination?

Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment is your guide.

Use the contents and exercises of this blueprint to gain a shared understanding of the two disciplines, to find your balance in your approach, to define your thresholds, and ultimately, to prepare for new ways of working.

Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment Research & Tools

1. Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment Blueprint – Agile and Requirements Management are complementary, not competitors

Provides support and guidance for organizations struggling with their requirements management practices in Agile environments.

2. Agile Requirements Playbook – A practical playbook for aligning your teams, and articulating the guidelines for managing your requirements in Agile.

The Agile Requirements Playbook becomes THE artifact for your Agile requirements practices. Great for onboarding, reviewing progress, and ensuring a shared understanding of your ways of working.

3. Documentation Calculator – A tool for determining the right level of documentation for your organization, and whether you’re spending too much, or even not enough, on Agile Requirements documentation.

The Documentation Calculator can inform your documentation decison making, ensuring you're investing just the right amount of time, money, and effort.

4. Agile Requirements Workbook – Supporting tools and templates in advancing your Agile Requirements practice, to be used in conjunction with the Agile Requirements Blueprint, and the Playbook.

This workbook is designed to capture the results of your exercises in the Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment Storyboard. Each worksheet corresponds to an exercise in the storyboard. This is a tool for you, so customize the content and layout to best suit your product. The workbook is also a living artifact that should be updated periodically as the needs of your team and organization change.

5. Agile Requirements Assessment – Establishes your current Agile requirements maturity, defines your target maturity, and supports planning to get there.

The Agile Requirements Assessment is a great tool for determining your current capabilities and maturity in Agile and Business Analysis. You can also articulate your target state, which enables the identification of capability gaps, the creation of improvement goals, and a roadmap for maturing your Agile Requirements practice.

Member Testimonials

After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve. See our top member experiences for this blueprint and what our clients have to say.


Overall Impact


Average $ Saved


Average Days Saved




$ Saved

Days Saved

Firstmac Limited

Guided Implementation




Positive - Vince listened to our challenges around efficient BA & Requirements. He has tailored a short program around Requirement Gathering follow... Read More


Guided Implementation




Arun Estates

Guided Implementation




Alex offers fantastic insight and zooms in on the issues quickly. We have useful tips and guidance on how to perform at a higher level. Interesting... Read More

Workshop: Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Framing Agile and Business Analysis

The Purpose

Sets the context for the organization, to ensure a shared understanding of the benefits of both Agile and business analysis/requirements management.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Have a shared definition of Agile and business analysis / requirements.
  • Understand the current state of Agile and business analysis in your organization.




Define what Agile and business analysis mean in your organization.

  • Alignment on Agile and business analysis / requirements in your organization.

Agile requirements assessment.

  • A current and target state assessment of Agile and business analysis in your organization.

Module 2: Tailoring Your Approach

The Purpose

Confirm you’re going the right way for effective solution delivery.

Key Benefits Achieved

Confirm the appropriate delivery methodology.




Confirm your selected methodology.

  • Confidence in your selected project delivery methodology.

Module 3: Defining Your Requirements Thresholds

The Purpose

Provides the guardrails for your Agile requirements practice, to define a high-level process, roles and responsibilities, governance and decision-making, and how to deal with change.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clearly defined interactions between the BA and their partners
  • Define a plan for management and governance at the project team level
Documentation and tactics that are right-sized for the need




Define your agile requirements process.

  • Agile requirements process.

Define your agile requirements RACI.

  • Agile requirements RACI.

Define your governance.

  • A governance and documentation plan.

Define your change and backlog refinement plan.

  • A change and backlog refinement approach.

Module 4: Planning Your Next Steps

The Purpose

Provides the action plan to achieve your target state maturity

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Recognize and prepare for the new ways of working for communication, stakeholder engagement, within the team, and across the organization.
  • Establish a roadmap for next steps to mature your Agile requirements practice.




Define your stakeholder communication plan.

  • A stakeholder communication plan.

Identify your capability gaps.

  • A list of capability gaps to achieve your desired target state.

Plan your agile requirements roadmap.

  • A prioritized roadmap to achieve the target state.

Module 5: Agile Requirements Techniques (Optional)

The Purpose

To provide practical guidance on technique usage, which can enable an improved experience with technical elements of the blueprint.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An opportunity to learn new tools to support your Agile requirements practice.




Managing requirements' traceability.

  • Support and advice for leveraging a given tool or technique.

Creating and managing user stories.

  • Support and advice for leveraging a given tool or technique.

Managing your requirements backlog.

  • Support and advice for leveraging a given tool or technique.

Maintaining a requirements library.

  • Support and advice for leveraging a given tool or technique.

Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors

Analyst's Perspective

The temptation when moving to Agile is to deemphasize good requirements practices in favor of perceived speed. If you're not delivering on the needs of the business then you have failed, regardless of how fast you've gone.

Delivery in Agile doesn't mean you stop needing solid business analysis. In fact, it's even more critical, to ensure your products and projects are adding value. With the rise of Agile, the role of the business analyst has been misunderstood.

As a result, we often throw out the analysis with the bathwater, thinking we'll be just fine without analysis, documentation, and deliberate action, as the speed and dexterity of Agile is enough.

Consequently, what we get is wasted time, money, and effort, with solutions that fail to deliver value, or need to be re-worked to get it right.

The best organizations find balance between these two forces, to align, and gain the benefits of both Agile and business analysis, working in tandem to manage requirements that bring solutions that are "just right".

This is a picture of Vincent Mirabelli

Vincent Mirabelli
Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management
Info-Tech Research Group


Executive Summary

Your Challenge

The process of navigating from waterfall to Agile can be incredibly challenging. And even more problematic; how do you operate your requirements management practices once there? Since there traditionally isn't a role for a business analyst; the traditional keeper of requirements. it isn't like switching on a light.

You likely find yourself struggling to deliver high quality solutions and requirements in Agile. This is a challenge for many organizations, regardless of how long they've leveraged Agile.

But you aren't here for assurances. You're here for answers and help.

Common Obstacles

many organizations and teams face is that there are so busy doing Agile that they fail to be Agile.

Agile was supposed to be the saving grace of project delivery but is misguided in taking the short-term view of "going quickly" at the expense of important elements, such as team formation and interaction, stakeholder engagement and communication, the timing and sequencing of analysis work, decision-making, documentation, and dealing with change.

The idea that good requirements just happen because you have user stories is wrong. So, requirements remain superficial, as you "can iterate later"…but sometimes later never comes, or doesn't come fast enough.

Organizations need to be very deliberate when aligning their Agile and requirements management practices. The work is the same. How the work is done is what changes.

Info-Tech's Approach

Infotech's advice? Why choose? Why have to pick between traditional waterfall and Agile delivery? If Agile without analysis is a recipe for disaster, Agile with analysis is the solution. And how can you leverage the Info-Tech approach to align your Agile and requirements management efforts into a powerful combination?

Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment is your guide.

Use the contents and exercises of this blueprint to gain a shared understanding of the two disciplines, to find your balance in your approach, to define your thresholds, and ultimately, to prepare for new ways of working.

Info-Tech Insight

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

The temptation when moving to Agile is to deemphasize good requirements practices in favor of perceived speed. If you're not delivering on the needs of the business, then you have failed, regardless of how fast you've gone.

Insight summary

Overarching insight

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

The temptation when moving to Agile is to deemphasize good requirements practices in favor of perceived speed. If you're not delivering on the needs of the business, then you have failed, regardless of how fast you've gone

Phase 1 insight

  • The purpose of requirements in waterfall is for approval. The purpose in Agile is for knowledge management, as Agile has no memory.
  • When it comes to the Agile manifesto, "over" does not mean "instead of".
  • In Agile, the what of business analysis does doesn't change. What does change is the how and when that work happens.

Phase 2 insight

  • Understand your uncertainties; it's a great way to decide what level of Agile (if any) is needed.
  • Finding your "Goldilocks" zone will take time. Be patient.

Phase 3 insight

  • Right-size your governance, based on team dynamics and project complexity. A good referee knows when to step in, and when to let the game flow.
  • Agile creates a social contract amongst the team, and with their leaders and organization.
  • Documentation needs to be valuable. Do what is acceptable and necessary to move work to future steps. Not documenting also comes with a cost, but one you pay in the future. And that bill will come due, with interest (aka, technical debt, operational inefficiencies, etc.).
  • A lack of acceptable documentation makes it more difficult to have agility. You're constantly revalidating your current state (processes, practices and structure) and re-arguing decisions already made. This slows you down more than maintaining documentation ever would.

Phase 4 insight

  • Making Agile predictable is hard, because people are not predictable; people are prone to chaos.

There have been many challenges with waterfall delivery

It turns out waterfall is not that great at reducing risk and ensuring value delivery after all

  • Lack of flexibility
  • Difficulty in measuring progress
  • Difficulties with scope creep
  • Limited stakeholder involvement
  • Long feedback loops

Had project deadlines more than double

Exceeded their original budget by at least 20%

At least doubled their original budget

This is an image of the waterfall project results

Source: PPM Express.

Agile was meant to address the shortcomings of waterfall

The wait for solutions was too long for our business partners. The idea of investing significant time, money, and resources upfront, building an exhaustive and complete vision of the desired state, and then waiting months or even years to get that solution, became unpalatable for them. And rightfully so. Once we cast a light on the pains, it became difficult to stay with the status quo. Given that organizations evolve at a rapid pace, what was a pain at the beginning of an initiative may not be so even 6 months later.

Agile became the answer.

Since its' first appearance nearly 20 years ago, Agile has become the methodology of choice for a many of organizations. According to the 15th Annual State of Agile report, Agile adoption within software development teams increased from 37% in 2020 to 86% in 2021.

Adopting Agile led to challenges with requirements

Requirements analysis, design maturity, and management are critical for a successful Agile transformation.

"One of the largest sources of failure we have seen on large projects is an immature Agile implementation in the context of poorly defined requirements."
– "Large Scale IT Projects – From Nightmare to Value Creation"

"Requirements maturity is more important to project outcomes than methodology."
– "Business Analysis Benchmark: Full Report"

"Mature Agile practices spend 28% of their time on analysis and design."
– "Quantitative Analysis of Agile Methods Study (2017): Twelve Major Findings"

"There exists a Requirements Premium… organizations using poor practices spent 62% more on similarly sized projects than organizations using the best requirements practices."
– "The Business Case for Agile Business Analysis" - Requirements Engineering Magazine

Strong stakeholder satisfaction with requirements results in higher satisfaction in other areas

This is an image of a bar graph comparing the percentage of respondents with high stakeholder satisfaction, to the percentage of respondents with low stakeholder satisfaction for four different categories.  these include: Availability of IT Capacity to Complete Projects; Overall IT Projects; IT Projects Meet Business Needs; Overall IT Satisfaction

N= 324 small organizations from Info-Tech Research Group's CIO Business Vision diagnostic.

Note: High satisfaction was classified as organizations with a score greater or equal to eight and low satisfaction was every organization that scored below eight on the same questions.

Info-Tech's Agile requirements framework

This is an image of Info-Tech's Agile requirements framework.  The three main categories are: Sprint N(-1); Sprint N; Sprint N(+1)

Agile requirements are a balancing act


Many subject matter experts are necessary to create accurate requirements, but their time is limited too.


Stakeholders should be kept informed throughout the requirements gathering process, but you need to get the right information to the right people.


Recording, organizing, and presenting requirements are essential, but excessive documentation will slow time to delivery.


Establishing control points in your requirements gathering process can help confirm, verify, and approve requirements accurately, but stage gates limit delivery.

What changes for the business analyst?

In Agile, the what of business analysis does not change.

What does change is the how and when that work happens.

Business analysts need to focus on six key elements when managing requirements in Agile.

  • Team formation and interaction
  • Stakeholder engagement and communication
  • The timing and sequencing of their work
  • Decision-making
  • Documentation
  • Dealing with change

Where does the business analysis function fit on an Agile team?

Team formation is key, as Agile is a team sport

A business analyst in an Agile team typically interacts with several different roles, including:

  • The product owner,
  • The Sponsor or Executive
  • The development team,
  • Other stakeholders such as customers, end-users, and subject matter experts
  • The Design team,
  • Security,
  • Testing,
  • Deployment.

This is an image the roles who typically interact with a Business Analyst.

How we do our requirements work will change

  • Team formation and interaction
  • Stakeholder engagement and communication
  • The timing and sequencing of their work
  • Decision-making
  • Documentation
  • Dealing with change

As a result, you'll need to focus on;

  • Emphasizing flexibility
  • Enabling continuous delivery
  • Enhancing collaboration and communication
  • Developing a user-centered approach

Get stakeholders on board with Agile requirements

  1. Stakeholder feedback and management support are key components of a successful Agile Requirements.
  2. Stakeholders can see a project's progression and provide critical feedback about its success at critical milestones.
  3. Management helps teams succeed by trusting them to complete projects with business value at top of mind and by removing impediments that are inhibiting their productivity.
  4. Agile will bring a new mindset and significant numbers of people, process, and technology changes that stakeholders and management may not be accustomed to. Working through these issues in requirements management enables a smoother rollout.
  5. Management will play a key role in ensuring long-term Agile requirements success and ultimately rolling it out to the rest of the organization.
  6. The value of leadership involvement has not changed even though responsibilities will. The day-to-day involvement in projects will change but continual feedback will ultimately dictate the success or failure of a project.

Measuring your success

Tracking metrics and measuring your progress

As you implement the actions from this Blueprint, you should see measurable improvements in;

  • Team and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Requirements quality
  • Documentation cost

Without sacrificing time to delivery

Metric Description and motivation
Team satisfaction (%) Expect team satisfaction to increase as a result of clearer role delineation and value contribution.
Stakeholder satisfaction (%) Expect Stakeholder satisfaction to similarly increase, as requirements quality increases, bringing increased value
Requirements rework Measures the quality of requirements from your Agile Projects. Expect that the Requirements Rework will decrease, in terms of volume/frequency.
Cost of documentation Quantifies the cost of documentation, including Elicitation, Analysis, Validation, Presentation, and Management
Time to delivery Balancing Metric. We don't want improvements in other at the expense of time to delivery

Info-Tech's methodology for Agile requirements

1. Framing Agile and Business Analysis

2. Tailoring Your Approach

3. Defining Your Requirements Thresholds

4. Planning Your Next Steps

Phase Activities

1.1 Understand the benefits and limitations of Agile and business analysis

1.2 Align Agile and business analysis within your organization

2.1 Decide the best-fit approach for delivery

2.2 Manage your requirements backlog

3.1 Define project roles and responsibilities

3.2 Define your level of acceptable documentation

3.3 Manage requirements as an asset

3.4 Define your requirements change management plan

4.1 Preparing new ways of working

4.2 Develop a roadmap for next steps

Phase Outcomes

Recognize the benefits and detriments of both Agile and BA.

Understand the current state of Agile and business analysis in your organization.

Confirm the appropriate delivery methodology.

Manage your requirements backlog.

Connect the business need to user story.

Clearly defined interactions between the BA and their partners.

Define a plan for management and governance at the project team level.

Documentation and tactics that are right-sized for the need.

Recognize and prepare for the new ways of working for communication, stakeholder engagement, within the team, and across the organization.

Establish a roadmap for next steps to mature your Agile requirements practice.

Blueprint tools and templates

Key deliverable:

This is a screenshot from the Agile Requirements Playbook

Agile Requirements Playbook

A practical playbook for aligning your teams and articulating the guidelines for managing your requirements in Agile

Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

This is a screenshot from the Documentation Calculator

Documentation Calculator

A tool to help you answer the question: What is the right level of Agile requirements documentation for my organization?

This is a screenshot from the Agile Requirements Assessment

Agile Requirements Assessment

Establishes your current maturity level, defines your target state, and supports planning to get there.

This is a screenshot from the Agile Requirements Workbook

Agile Requirements Workbook

Supporting tools and templates in advancing your Agile requirements practice, to be used with the Agile Requirements Blueprint and Playbook.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

"Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

Guided Implementation

"Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


"We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


"Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

Workshop Overview

Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
1. Framing Agile and Business Analysis / 2. Tailoring Your Approach 3. Defining Your Requirements
3. Defining Your Requirements Thresholds / 4. Planning Your Next Steps (OPTIONAL) Agile Requirements Techniques (a la carte) Next Steps and Wrap-Up (Offsite)


What does Agile mean in your organization? What do requirements mean in your organization?

Agile Requirements Assessment

Confirm your selected methodology

Define your Agile requirements process

Define your Agile requirements RACI (Optional)

Define your Agile requirements governance

Defining your change management plan

Define your

communication plan

Capability gap list

Planning your Agile requirements roadmap

Managing requirements traceability

Creating and managing user stories

Managing your requirements backlog

Maintaining a requirements library

Develop Agile Requirements Playbook

Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

Set up review time for workshop deliverables and next steps


Shared definition of Agile and business analysis / requirements

Understand the current state of Agile and business analysis in your organization

Agile requirements process

Agile requirements RACI (Optional)

Defined Agile requirements governance and documentation plan

Change and backlog refinement plan

Stakeholder communication plan

Action plan and roadmap for maturing your Agile requirements practice

Practical knowledge and practice about various tactics and techniques in support of your Agile requirements efforts

Completed Agile Requirements Playbook

Guided Implementation

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Call #1: Scope objectives, and your specific challenges.

Call #4: Define your approach to project delivery.

Call #6: Define your Agile requirements process.

Call #9: Identify gaps from current to target state maturity.

Call #2: Assess current maturity.

Call #5: Managing your requirements backlog.

Call #7: Define roles and responsibilities.

Call #10: Pprioritize next steps to mature your Agile requirements practice.

Call #3: Identify target-state capabilities.

Call #8: Define your change and backlog refinement approach.

A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

A typical GI is 10 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

Framing Agile and Business Analysis

Phase 1

Framing Agile and Business Analysis

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4

1.1 Understand the benefits and limitations of Agile and business analysis

1.2 Align Agile and business analysis within your organization

2.1 Confirm the best-fit approach for delivery

2.2 manage your requirements backlog

3.1 Define project roles and responsibilities

3.2 define your level of acceptable documentation

3.3 Manage requirements as an asset

3.4 Define your requirements change management plan

4.1 Preparing new ways of working

4.2 Develop a roadmap for next steps

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • EXERCISE: What do Agile and requirements mean in your organization?
  • ASSESSMENT: Agile requirements assessment
  • KEY DELIVERABLE: Agile Requirements Playbook

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Business analyst and project team
  • Stakeholders
  • Sponsor/Executive

Managing Requirements in an Agile Environment

Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.


Overall Impact

Average $ Saved

Average Days Saved

After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.

Read what our members are saying

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.


Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 4-phase advisory process. You'll receive 10 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

Guided Implementation 1: Framing Agile and Business Analysis
  • Call 1: Scope objectives, and your specific challenges.
  • Call 2: Assess current maturity.
  • Call 3: Identify target-state capabilities.

Guided Implementation 2: Tailoring Your Approach
  • Call 1: Define your approach to project delivery.
  • Call 2: Managing your requirements backlog.

Guided Implementation 3: Defining Your Requirements Thresholds
  • Call 1: Define your Agile requirements process.
  • Call 2: Define roles and responsibilities.
  • Call 3: Define your change and backlog refinement approach.

Guided Implementation 4: Planning Your Next Steps
  • Call 1: Identify gaps from current to target state maturity.
  • Call 2: Prioritize next steps to mature your Agile requirements practice.


Vince Mirabelli


  • Emal Bariali, Business Architect and Business Analyst, Bariali Consulting
  • Paula Bell, Paula A. Bell Consulting, LLC
  • Ryan Folster
  • Filip Hendrickx
  • Fabricio Laguna, Professional Speaker, Consultant, and Trainer,
  • Ryland Leyton, Business Analyst and Agile Coach, Independent Consultant
  • Steve Jones
  • Angela Wick, Founder, BA-Squared and BA-Cube
  • Rachel Wilterdink, Principal Consultant, Infotech Enterprises
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