Tagged - managed service provider

The Future of the Technology Service Provider Industry Storyboard

Learn about four trends that are shaping future business opportunities in the technology service provider industry.

The Future of the Technology Service Provider Industry

This trend report highlights future business opportunities for members of the technology service provider industry. Learn how to capitalize on the latest in generative...

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture

This business reference architecture provides a capability-driven analysis and template that can be used to guide the decision-making process while implementing...

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide

Use this guide to learn how to develop a custom business capability map and reference architecture for your technology service provider firm.

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template as a starting point to develop your own custom capability map.

Select a Security Outsourcing Partner – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you determine what responsibilities you can outsource to a service partner, refine the list of role-based requirements, and adopt a program to...

MSSP RFP Template

This template is designed to introduce consistency and outline key requirements during the request for proposal (RFP) phase of selecting an MSSP.

Build a Cybersecurity Services Offering

Use this blueprint to develop a well-scope, standardized, and yet differentiating cybersecurity services for your IT Consulting or IT Service Provider business that...

Security Service Design Workbook

The Security Service Design Workbook comprises all the tools and templates used as part of our process to design the differentiated service offering and standardize the...

Build a Cybersecurity Services Offering Storyboard

This storyboard explains the methodology for creating complete, well-scoped, standardized cybersecurity service offerings that align to a well-known cybersecurity control...
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