The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...
The Project Level Definition Matrix helps project managers and business analysts triage project requests by assigning a project level based on preliminary requirements...
Completed projects aren’t necessarily successful projects. Projects are justified because they will make the organization money, save money, or make stakeholders or...
Use the Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of a change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in...
Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...
Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.
The Project Level Assessment Tool is used to assess overall project initiation and planning maturity and pinpoint areas of project management initiation and planning that...
This Transition Plan Template is designed to help you develop and document action items, communication timelines, roles and responsibilities, and other elements of the...
Change management has become entrenched in the 21st century. Organizational change provides a great opportunity for enterprises to build a more effective, and more...