Tagged - Merger

VMware Acquires Carbon Black for $2.1 Billion

VMware acquires Carbon Black, a cloud-based endpoint protection solution, at $26 per share, representing an enterprise value of $2.1 billion.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration

Many organizations forget the essential role IT plays during M&A integration. The involvement of IT is critical to providing a better view of risks, improving ease of...
  • guided implementation icon

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Executive Brief

Many organizations forget the essential role that IT plays during M&A integration. The involvement of IT is critical to providing a better view of risks, improving ease...

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phases 1-4

Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT during M&A integration. Use the steps in this blueprint to kick-start your IT integration effort.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 1: Launch the Project

Get off to a head start by identifying M&A business objectives and designing the IT end-state vision accordingly.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 2: Conduct Discovery and Design the Technology End-State

Kick-start the discovery of each IT domain in both organizations and design the resultant state.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 3: Initiate Operational Imperatives and Quick-Wins

During discovery, identify operational imperatives and quick-wins to maintain business function while capturing synergies.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 4: Develop an Integration Roadmap

Following discovery, build an integration roadmap to achieve the technology end-state.

Storyboard: Make IT a Partner in Successful M&A Due Diligence

Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT in M&A transactions. The involvement of IT in the due diligence phase is critical to providing a better view of...

IT M&A Capabilities Readiness Check Template

The M&A Capabilities Readiness Check is a diagnostic that helps CIOs gain visibility into their current capability to support an M&A transaction.
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