Tagged - mergers

Understand the IT Implications for the Enrollment Cliff Storyboard

The enrollment cliff begins a period of contraction for the higher education industry. IT must proactively support the institution in this competitive environment.

Understand the IT Implications for the Enrollment Cliff

After years of growth, the higher education industry is now entering a period of contraction. In the US, enrollment is expected to decline due to a lower birth rate,...

Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand how this blueprint can help you prepare for a merger or acquisition and understand the information security risks associated with...

Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence

This research is designed to help organizations who are preparing for a merger or acquisition and need help with understanding the information security risks associated...
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Security M&A Due Diligence Tool

Use this tool to help define and track a due diligence workflow for managing cybersecurity during an M&A.

Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence – Phases 1-2

Read this blueprint to help prepare for a merger or acquisition and help with understanding the information security risks associated with the acquisition or merger.

M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations

Infrastructure and Operations is crucial to the success of any IT integration for a significant merger or acquisition, yet it is often left to a last-minute scramble....
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I&O M&A Workbook

Use this template as a working repository of key information and progress throughout your merger or acquisition project.

M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations – Phase 3: Plan Short-Term Integration

This phase of the blueprint M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations will help you build a day 1 integration plan for I&O.

I&O M&A Short-Term Integration Capacity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to estimate and plan for resourcing for mission-critical day 1 integration projects.
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