Tagged - NAS

Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness

Traditionally, IT security was typified by perimeter security, like you would see in a castle and moat, where if you could get through the front gates, you were trusted...
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Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should determine your zero trust readiness, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support...

Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness – Phases 1-2

IT security was typified by perimeter security. However, the way the world does business has mandated a change to IT security. In response, zero trust is a set of...

Zero Trust Security Benefit Assessment Tool

This tool helps an organization identify the major benefits and drivers for adopting a zero trust security strategy.

The NAS Is Back and It Is Bigger Than Ever

Network attached file storage has been around for decades but it is having a renaissance with scale-out and software-defined technologies. In spite of a range of...

Evaluate Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Your Infrastructure Roadmap

The future is cloud(like) and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a big step in that direction. HCI extends server virtulization into storage and networking spheres;...

Evaluate Software-Defined Storage Solutions for Your Infrastructure Roadmap

Software-defined storage decouples storage hardware from storage management. Not just allocation but advanced features like deduplication, replication, and snapshots can...

Selecting a Consolidated Storage Platform

Consolidated network storage is a strategic enabler that forms the foundation for server consolidation and a unified approach to data and system availability and recovery.

Storage Administrator

The Storage Administrator's role is to operate and performance-tune storage platforms across the organization to ensure high levels of data quality, availability, and...

Storage Architect

The Storage Architect's role is to plan, design, and analyze the organization's storage infrastructure according to best practices, while ensuring high levels of data...
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