Tagged - NIST

Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture – Executive Brief

Discover why every organization needs an appropriate security architecture. Review how this blueprint will assist with the development of a right-sized security...

Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture

Organizations require an effective security architecture in order to connect security to the business. This blueprint demonstrates Info-Tech’s approach to evaluating the...
  • guided implementation icon

Data Classification Standard

Use this template to thoroughly outline details of the data classification program, including classification levels, data handling requirements, and disclaimers.

Data Classification Policy

Use this template to document a formal policy to define your data classification program.

Data Classification Steering Committee Charter

Use this template to define a formal charter for your Data Classification Steering Committee by clearly listing goals, expectations, and agenda items.

Healthcare: Heavily Regulated Does Not Mean Highly Secure

Taking a risk view on compliance aspects of a mature security program.
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