Tagged - objectives

System Configuration and Change Management Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

There has been an increased emphasis on short-term decision making and agility by organizations. As a result, organizations now need a strategic planning function to make...
  • guided implementation icon

Project Manager

​The role of the Project Manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.

Proof of Concept Template

This template will help you put together a repository of the information necessary to complete a proof-of-concept project and present it to executives for approval and...

System Maintenance Policy – NIST

Use Info-Tech's Maintenance Policy to define how system maintenance procedures will operate.

Fast Track Tool: Negotiate Contracts

A well-written contract ensures that the selected vendor meets the company's specific expectations and objectives for the purchase. During the evaluation process, the...

Service Desk Performance Tracking Tool

The service desk is at the front line of IT services and is among the most process-intensive elements of any IT operation. Use this tool and template to assess IT service...

IT Department Goals

This template provides a simple framework for documenting goals as derived from your strategic and operational plans.

Peer Feedback Management

This specific tool is designed for the evaluation of management staff (i.e. non-practitioner staff) by their management peers.

Fast Track Tool: Performance Measurement

The purpose of Performance Measurement and Professional Development is to gather performance feedback at regular intervals and to apply that feedback as a component in...
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