Tagged - platform business model

Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies

This blueprint helps enterprises looking for either business model transformation and/or digital transformation to understand platform strategies and the design of...
  • guided implementation icon

Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to find out why platforms are critical for enterprises to remain competitive and to avoid disruption in the current highly dynamic and...

Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you understand the platform business model and digital platforms for successful business model transformation and design of digital platforms.

Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies – Phase 1: Set Goals for Your Platform Business Model

This phase of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies will help you with the platform model and associated strategies. It will also assist you...

Business Platform Playbook

This template contains all of the activities associated with phase 1 of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies.

Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies – Phase 2: Configure Your Digital Platform

This phase of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies will help you align your digital platform's capabilities with your digital...

Digital Platform Playbook

This template contains all of the activities associated with phase 2 of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies.
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