Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.
Kick-start your governance with data classification users will actually use!
Information protection and governance is NOT something you do once and then you are complete. It is a constant process where you start with the basics (MVP) and enhance...
Having the ability to remote wipe is one of the most basic tools in IT's arsenal for securing mobile devices. Use this remote wipe waiver template to create a document...
The Chief Information Security Officer's role is to provide vision and leadership for developing and supporting security initiatives.
IT policies are necessary from a risk mitigation perspective, but they are often left as an afterthought by the business. As a result, IT policies often do not adequately...
This general policy template is designed as a starting point for writing clear, consistent, and concise policies. More specific policy templates can be found by searching...
The mobile device reimbursement policy will outline the devices and voice/data plans that qualify for corporate reimbursement and the limits of corporate reimbursement of...
The server configuration policy establishes the standards, procedures, and restrictions for new servers being installed within the company.
The data entry and provenance policy will outline the responsibilities for maintaining the integrity and quality of data and provenance data used to inform corporate...