Tagged - project management

Project Debrief Report Template

Projects can benefit from formal closure activities to ensure that no remaining work is left unfinished. Project closure is an essential, yet often overlooked step in the...

IT Project Management Lite

If your organization designates people “project managers” but doesn’t allocate time to project management duties, you can use this blueprint to find the right balance of...
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Agile Project Charter

A template that is intended to be organic throughout the project. It is a communication document that includes just enough information to keep team members aligned.

Light Project Request Form

Use the Light Project Request Form if your intake processes require less friction.

Detailed Project Request Form

Use the Detailed Project Request Form if your intake processes require more friction.

QA Checklist for Feasibility Studies Guidelines

Feasibility study stakeholders and reviewers should use this checklist to ensure that the quality of the final report follows corporate standards and meets stakeholder...

Express – Managing Projects

Info-Tech Express offers comprehensive bundles of tools and templates that will help you get to action quickly on your most important projects.
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Email Approval Template

The project prioritization committee must communicate project rankings to senior management and obtain support for moving forward.

Guide to Understanding Triggers for Re-Prioritization

This guide should be used to identify circumstances in which re-prioritization of projects may be required.

Project Re-Prioritization Master Tool

Due to an identified event, the prioritization list you have determined to date no longer reflects current realities. Use this tool to help you re-adjust, and...
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