Our Project Success Assurance Service uses best practices and a world-class template toolkit for supervising and reporting on major projects. Whether it is to supplement...
This sample PDF report shows a version of the document that gets delivered to you by an Info-Tech advisor after each service touchpoint in Info-Tech’s Project Success...
This report template is the base template used by Info-Tech’s advisors as part of Info-Tech’s Project Success Assurance service. The contents of the report can be used to...
A well-structured project review ensures continuity of process, people, and purpose in an unstable world. It anchors the investment in the foundation principles of...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why every IT department needs a project portfolio management strategy, and maximize the value of the project portfolio to drive...
Info-Tech members moving to Agile are frequently unsure of the role of PMs and the PMO in an Agile environment. Any organization used to traditional (Waterfall) project...
Info-Tech members who are moving to Agile frequently complain about the challenges of explaining Agile to both senior management and their project management office (PMO)...
Use this template to document the project of establishing your new PMO.
This tool should be used as a current state and gap analysis of the services currently provided to your organization. The results will help define the services your new...
Info-Tech has more than 400 client survey responses that assess their capacity for project work. Only 49% of hours allocated to projects were believed to be productively...