Tagged - project portfolio management

Time Tracker Workbook

Use this workbook to track and get reporting on resource utilization across your staff. You can use this workbook to conduct a time audit or to pilot a time-tracking process.

Maximize the Value of IT Across Enterprise Portfolios – Phases 1-4

Many organizations are skilled at optimizing within portfolios, not across them. Use this research to optimize digital portfolios at the enterprise level, across multiple...

Digital Portfolio Management Playbook

Assess the performance and strategic alignment of your IT resources, talent, activities and assets across multiple product and service lines. Identify opportunities to...

Digital Portfolio Management Program Executive Presentation

Communicate the results of your enterprise porfolio management program using this template executive communication deck.

Maximize the Value of IT Across Enterprise Portfolios

Many organizations are skilled at optimizing within portfolios, not across them. Use this research to optimize at the enterprise level.
  • guided implementation icon

Outgrow Your Own PPM Solution

Develop an exit strategy from your home-grown solution to a commercial PPM toolset. In this video, we show a rapid transition from the Excel dataset shown on this page to...

Develop a Project Portfolio Management Strategy – Phase 2: Align PPM Processes to Your Strategic Goals

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a PPM Strategy, will help you align the PPM processes that make up the infrastructure around projects with your PPM strategy.

Develop a Project Portfolio Management Strategy – Phase 1: Get Executive Buy-In for Your PPM Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a PPM Strategy, will help you get the leadership to buy in to the right strategy for your organization, and set goals for your PPM...

Develop a Project Portfolio Management Strategy – Phase 3: Complete Your PPM Strategic Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a PPM Strategy, will help you compose a PPM strategic plan with inputs from the previous phases by adding a cost-benefit analysis and...

PPM High-Level Supply-Demand Calculator

This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute project work relative to the organization's overall project demand.
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