Successful projects are the #1 driver of satisfaction with IT, but most organizations struggle to achieve consistent project success. Inject project management best...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why prescribed best practices in project management aren't always the best fit and discover how you can tailor them to improve...
This storyboard will help you take project management best practices and tailor them to work for your projects. Improve your project success and throughput by...
Use this template to create an operating manual for the dashboard and reporting program produced by the enhancement project. This manual identifies the core...
This phase of the blueprint, Enhance PPM Dashboard and Reporting, will help you officially close and evaluate the PPM dashboard and reporting enhancement project and...
Use this template to create an operating manual for each dashboard or template. The manual identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities for every data...
Each tab of this workbook provides an example of a different style of visual that can be used in PPM dashboards and reports. Customize these examples for your own use, or...
This template provides a working example of a PPM Executive dashboard. Replace the example information and visuals with your own data and visuals and create an easy to...
Use this tool to record the stakeholder requirements for each dashboard and report to be enhanced as part of the project.
This phase of the blueprint, Enhance PPM Dashboards and Reports, will help you design and build effective dashboards and reports to ensure that proposed and finalized...