Tagged - Reference Data

Develop a Master Data Management Practice and Platform

Master data management (MDM) provides a single, reliable, and precise view of the organization. Approaching MDM with a clear blueprint that provides a step-by-step...
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Master Data Management Platform Template

Leverage Info-Tech’s pre-built platform to illustrate the organization’s data environment with MDM and the value MDM brings to the organization.

Master Data Management Practice Pattern Template

Leverage Info-Tech’s pre-built practice patterns to effectively define the key services and outputs that must be delivered by establishing core capabilities,...

Master Data Management Architecture Design Template

Use Info-Tech’s architecture design template to effectively document the movement of data aligned with the business process across the organization.

Build Your Data Practice and Platform

Info-tech's approach provides a proven methodology that includes following: - Business-aligned data initiatives and capabilities that address data challenges and...
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Build Your Data Practice and Platform Storyboard

Use Info-Tech's road-tested patterns and frameworks found in this blueprint to break the perpetual data solution cycle. Focus on the value that a data and analytics...

Data Practice and Platform Models

Data practice & platform pre-build pattern templates based on Info-Tech data reference patterns and data platform design best practices.
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