Tagged - risk management

Technology Service Provider Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template as a starting point to develop your own custom capability map.

Vulnerability Management Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Vulnerability Management Workflow

The workflows in the Standard Operating Procedure are provided in this raw working file for you to edit as needed.

Vulnerability Management SOP Template

As you are defining or improving your process, be sure to document it. This template provides a starting point in maintaining a detailed standard operating procedure.

Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template

Looking for a vulnerability scanning tool? Use this Request for Proposal (RFP) template to get you started.

Penetration Test RFP Template

Looking to engage a vendor for a Penetration Test? Use this Request for Proposal (RFP) template to get you started.

Threat and Risk Assessment Process Template

Use this template to document the exact process your organization uses when conducting a threat and risk assessment.

Vendor Security Process Template

Use this template as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, to define your vendor due diligence process.

Vendor Security Policy Template

Use this template as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, or on its own to define policy requirements for vendor security.

Vendor Security Process Diagram

Use this template as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, to create a visual representation of your vendor due diligence process.
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